About 3 weeks before Kinsey was born |
I am glad to know that I inspired my cousin Laura to include her son (my cousin and Kinsey's baby cousin) Eli in her blogging! She blogged about Eli's birth, I have YET to blog about Kinsey's! So here it goes:
July 21, 2010:
After being 3 days overdue and being assured by my OB that I would not go into labor on my own, I opted for an induction. Let me just say that I was so against that! I had heard horror stories about inductions, you labor all day (8 hours basically) and then if you don't make any progress they throw you on the operating table, slice you open, get the baby out and then you're left with so many stitches you think you're the bride of Frakenstein, NO THANK YOU! But after being reassured by my OB that I would probably have a regular birth, I decided to do it. It was the middle of July for God sakes and I was, the least to say, MISERABLE! I had not seen my feet in about 4 months, I could no longer wear regular shoes, I could barely wear my flip flops because my feet were so swollen, not to mention it looked like I had stolen a rather large basketball and was walking around with it stuck under my shirt like it was nothing. My back hurt all the time, I hadn't had a good nights sleep in about 3 months, and I was getting bored of getting kicked in the ribs and my bladder bounced on all the time, so I decided it was time for this little girl to vacate my uterus and come out and see what all the excitement was about. I had been dialated to a 1 for 6 weeks with no progress whatsoever! I tried everything (I do mean EVERYTHING) to coax Kinsey to come out; I walked around Wal-Mart, the mall, the block, I walked to the mailbox and back, I ate spicy foods (all that did was give me HORRIBLE indigestion), and even considered drinking castor oil, until my doctor advised against it, unless I wanted to be horribly sick! After all of that and still no baby girl, drastic measures had to be taken to get her out! I woke up that morning at 5:00am, we had to be at the hospital at 6:00am and they would start the induction at 8:00am. I had packed my bag and Kinsey's bag the night before and had everything ready to go! I go up early because I wanted to do my hair and make-up, I didn't want to have a baby and not have my hair done, my mom even came over the night before to paint my toes since my husband REFUSED to do it the whole time I was pregnant. He thought it was absurd for me to be painting my toes anyway, I told him "I refuse to have her and my toes not painted!" I even tackled shaving my legs the night before, how that didn't put me into labor I will never know! After doing my hair (which exhausted me), I tackled the task of getting Tom out of bed, he FINALLY got up and we were loading the truck when I realized I had forgotten my MP3 player in my truck and I wanted to have it while I was in labor since music seems to calm me down. I walked out to my truck, unlocked it, opened the door and grabbed my MP3 player, and shut the door and instantly I thought to myself "Did I really just pee all over myself?" I was soaked! Then it hit me; my water had broke! I RAN, yes ran; (which was quite a sight I am sure) past Tom, through the kitchen and down the hall to the bathroom; all the while Tom is right on my heels going "What's wrong? What's wrong?" I said "I need you to get me another pair of pants out of the closet, my water broke and I am soaked," at this point I waited for the panic to ensue, but surprisingly Tom was very cool and calm, he brought me a pair of dry pants and asked me if I needed him to do anything I told him no, and asked him to finish loading the truck. After getting into some dry clothes and getting out of the house, I went to get in the truck. When I went to sit down in the seat, I noticed a towel. I said "What's that for?" Tom answered " I don't want that crap all over my new truck," go figure! The ride to the hospital was very uneventful, I was starting to have some mild cramping and inside I was freaking out, but I stayed calm. When we got to the hospital Tom insisted on parking out in God's pasture and MAKING me walk! I was already in labor, I didn't need to add insult to injury, but I humored him and made the trek from the truck to the front entrance, by the time we go to the 3rd floor I had soaked my second pair of pants, but it was ok because they gave me this wonderful, beautiful gown to wear! The very first L&D nurse I had was HORRIBLE! Not only did she not have a bedside manner, she was rude and had no idea how to start an IV obviously, she dug and dug in my veins, finally after sticking me for the 4th time she got someone else, one stick and it was done, I was in tears by this time! After getting my IV and antibiotics started (I was positive for Group B Strep), the paperwork and questions began. By the time I had signed my name a million times and answered every personal question you could think of, my contractions were 3 minutes apart and spiking off the charts. Also by this point, I had a new L&D nurse and she was awesome! I kept trying to hold off on my epidural, I didn't want to get it too soon but then I didn't want to too long, so finally at 9:00am my nurse talked me into getting my epidural, by this point I had a shot of Stadol; which I am pretty sure is a synthetic form of acid, and a shot of Zofram because I was so nauseated from not being able to eat that morning. Let me just say, when that anesthesiologist walked into the room I could have kissed him! If you have never had a epidural, it's a pretty wacky feeling, it feels like your legs are asleep but without the pain that comes with that, let's just say after it was over I was happy to wiggle my feet and toes again! About 20 minutes after my epidural was inserted I got REALLY nauseated, not to mention I was still in a great deal of pain, then Kinsey's heart rate started to act erratically and my blood pressure shot up and started getting out of control. They put oxygen on me and made me lay on my side to take some of the pressure off of my major blood vessels and veins. After an hour of having the epidural in, I was still feeling every single contraction but I couldn't feel my legs, how crazy is that? My L&D nurse called the anesthesiologist back in and he gave me two shots of Lidocaine in my epidural catheter and it did no good! I was having contractions every minute and having really bad back labor, I though I was in the seventh ring of hell! Then I got the horrible urge to push, my nurse checked and I had gone from a 4 to a 9 in 15 minutes! Boy everything really got going then, trays started being set up, instruments started to come into view, not to mention they took the end of my bed off and set up the stirrups in like 10 seconds. Without going into detail, about 4 pushes and Kinsey Ashley Swift came into this world at 12:50pm, weighing in at 6 pounds and 14 ounces and she was 21 1/2 inches long! Meeting my child for the first time was the most magical moment in my whole entire life. You carry this baby for 9 months and you wonder the whole time, what are they going to look like, who are they going to look like? Then when you finally see them, you are in awe by this little human, I still to this day can't believe that she was in me for 9 months (and 3 days) and she is part me and part my husband, having your own children is really an amazing thing!
Kinsey Ashley Swift
July 21, 2010
6 pounds, 14 ounces
21 1/2 inches |
Our lives have never been the same since then, Kinsey keeps us going 24/7! She always has a smile on her face and she is always learning and discovering something new everyday! I didn't think I would like being a mommy but it's my favorite job in the whole wide world!