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Saturday, January 8, 2011

The New Year is here!

January 9th, 2011:

Well I am a little behind on my blog so I will try to catch up

Well New Years has come and gone and without any kind of tragedy or excitement for me, I did go out on New Years Eve for a few hours, I went and got my hair done, bought a new top, and I even bought me a pair of black stilettos, which is a huge thing for me seeing how I am a jeans, t-shirt and tennis shoes type of person, I got all dolled up and went out and had a great time! My husband was working at the Electric Cowboy; which is where I went so I could see him and get my New Year's Eve kiss, and he told me I looked "hot"!
Ready for New Year's Eve!
New Year's Resolutions:
Every year million of Americans make resolutions to keep up for the New Year, and I can say that every year I am guilty of it, especially on the "not keeping them" end of it all. But this year I have made 4 of them and I am determined to keep at least 3 if it kills me!
Resolution Number 1:
My first resolution is to be a better wife and mother; I want to try to be a better wife to my husband and try to not let the little things in our relationship get to me, I want to talk more and not keep things bottled up inside of me like I tend to do, ALOT! I want to keep our bills straight and know what bills we have and when they are due, and not wait till the last minute to pay them, and so far I have done good on that part of it.  I want to be a better mom to Kinsey, she deserves to have a good mom and a good childhood like I did, I find myself wishing I still had "me time" and sleeping for 8-10 hours uninterrupted, I find myself (as bad as this might sound) resenting being a parent.  Like I said I shouldn't say that, because I know I have been given the best and most precious gift any person could receive, I love my child with all my heart and I thank God EVERY SINGLE DAY for that baby girl! But on the other hand, I wish somedays I could just go to bed, get a shower, eat, and wake up when I want to, I am sure every new mom goes through this but I feel like a bad person for feeling like this, I find myself losing patience with her at times, I know she is just a baby and her only way of communicating with me is by crying, but at times I just want to lock myself in a closet and not come out!
Resolution Number 2:
I want to do better at my job. 
I am officially full time at my job now and I want to do the best I can at my job everyday, I want to feel like at the end of the day I have accomplished at least one thing, the past few weeks I leave work and I feel like I have not got crap done, I feel like I just sat at my desk for 8 hours and didn't do a damn thing, well the past few days I have felt like I have done something! I got a severly past due account almost straightened out, got my reports for the week sent off to Corporate, and got my calls made in the morning on Friday so I could focus on other stuff Friday afternoon, so I am finally settling into my job, it only took 3 1/2 months to get it done though.
Resolution Number 3:
I want to teach myself to cook.
My mother-in-law must have known about this before I did, because for Christmas she got me TWO cookbooks.  One is from Better Home and Gardens, you know the really nice one that is bound and has the tabs and pictures and all that? Yea that one, she also got me one that all the recipes only call for 5 ingredients, but I haven't looked through that one yet.  I made my first recipe out of my Better Homes and Gardens book last week, I made Upside Down Pizza casserole and it turned out really good, except that the next day the leftovers aren't any good, so I know next time we need to eat all of it the same night I cook it.  I am not a cook, I can cook somewhat but I can't make no 3 course meal, so I have decided to teach myself to do it, now we all might end up with food poisioning by the end of the year, so we'll see.
Resolution Number 4:
And last but not least; I want to lose 20 pounds by summer.
After having Kinsey, I lost all the 25 pounds I gained, but now I am starting to put the weight back on and it is really having an effect on my self-esteem.  I want to be in a size 10 or 8 by summer, I am in a 12 now so really I don't have that much farther to go, I know I can do it, I just have to stick to it and DO IT! That is the part that is a challenge for me, I am always saying "I'll start tomorrow or I'll start next week", then I never do.  But this time not only do I want to, but I need to; I have had flare ups with my Ulcer from not eating like I should and I am really miserable, so I know I have to start eating better and cut out greasy and spicy foods, not all together but cut back a tremendous amount, and so far, well let's just say this isn't going to be easy on me!

Kinsey starting solids:
We have started the transition from formula only to formula and cereal from a spoon! She took to it like a fish in water! I was so suprised actually, she is still trying to grasp that the spoon isn't a bottle and swallowing food not milk, she sucks on the spoon and I just let her do it, but she's learning! She loves cereal, she sees me coming with her little bowl and spoon and boy does she get excited! We have a spoon feeding every evening, over the next few weeks we'll increase it to two feedings hopefully, but for now she's still mainly getting formula, maybe when she hits 6 months we can start baby food, I think she'll do great!

So, for 2011 I have a long road ahead of me, alot of heartbreak I am sure and me getting mad and disapointed at myself, but I know I can do it! And when I start seeing results it'll make it all worth it!

1 comment:

  1. Girl, good luck with your resolutions! I can totally relate to the one about wanting to be a better wife (as I'm not a mother yet...except to our cat). And cooking is fun! I LOVE to cook and have been cooking since I was four-years-old. (Well, I learned to bake a potato in the microwave at four, and I like to think that counts as cooking. *lol*) :) Just remember to not get to stressed over it when something is not going as well as you would like. We are learning to cook on a budget, being sure to eat up all our leftovers, which, like you said, is hard when something is not as good the next day.

    Anyway, good luck! You can do it!!

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